Thursday, January 3, 2008

Malaysian Traffic Police - Unbelievably Fantastic

I was in a rush yesterday. The mechanic had already done up my car nice and good and I had to get to the workshop before 6pm. A friend of mine was nice enough to give me a ride.

So ar, we made our way towards Chendering (for the uninitiated, it's like going from OUG to Taman Desa, or from Cheras to Taman Tasik Permaisuri, or from GH to the end of Tasik Titiwangsa, or from your house to your grandmother's house 2 taman's away .... aiyar you get my drift ar)

...That's like a 10 minute drive away.....

But then when we came out of my office ar ..... si pek kanasai leh .... jam wor!

Of course the first thing that came into our minds was ..... bandaraya redileh .... so must have bandaraya-type traffic.

Maybe everyone wanted to feel like they were driving in a Bandaraya all at once .... so they all came out and started driving around town for no reason..

So we chugged along at a snail's pace. Then horrors~! Far up ahead in the distance ...

We saw traffic policemen who came to screw up the traffic ...

I really must say that WITHOUT the policemen and with the traffic lights working normally, I'd probably have made it to the workshop in say 20 minutes. As it is, WITH the policemen there directing traffic, it took me a good kanasai 45 minutes to make an otherwise 10 minute journey.

This is probably what's going on in the heads of those dudes directing traffic ...

"Hmm ...... this stretch of road looks pretty jammed up. Wait. The other side too. Hey wait, so is the opposite direction.

Let's see .... Okay ... let's clear this road first. Okay you there. Go. Yes go. I'm waving my incredibly powerful arms in the air. Go.... Go on...... Yes keep going .... Just 2 more minutes....... Nah.... not yet ..... okay. Wait. Maybe another 2 more minutes. Never mind the other cars. They'll have to wait. I can override the traffic lights. I am the law.

*snort* ....... must not fall asleep .....

*snort* Oh right. Maybe I should let the other cars have their turn. Nah. Maybe another 2 more minutes.... "

This was me after the traffic lights made 3 whole cycles and the dumbass up there was still letting the same line of cars go. I think if I had stopped the engine, walked over to the petrol station down the road, took a dump, robbed the cashier, torched the whole place and walked back to my car, the dude would've still been letting the same line of cars go.

Kanasai I tell you. This happens for ALL situations where traffic police take control. I'm not even beginning to mention the mayhem they cause in downtown KL during rush hour.

I think in traffic police training school they have classes like :

'Cara menerukkan keadaan trafik semasa berlakunya kesesakan lalulintas'


'Cara membangkitkan kemarahan pengguna jalan raya melalui kawalan trafik yang melampau'

Kanasai ~!

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