Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hot What ?

Being in a place like KT, we're always on the lookout for good food. So whenever new places open or great deals are offered, we're the first to look into them .....

That day some mousy looking boy was handing out this flyer ....

..... looked pretty interesting to us. But then again being in KT has also taught us never to draw conclusions from a simple glance. First of all there's that huge 'Supper' word up there. Okay okay, lest we be called skeptical and anal, we'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

They're serving supper ....... Okay fine ..... no dinner .... just supper. Call them to reserve a place for supper.....


But then of course we took a closer look .... Here we go ....

Notice where I circled ....

I don't think we'll ever go to this place let alone join their club or whatever ......... They might just discard their members anytime .....

Kanasai ~!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Accident

I was coming out of my apartment last week. It was a normal night, I was on the way out to meet my housemates for dinner.

Once I turned out onto the road, a motorbike in the opposite direction decided to overtake the car in front of him. It was a rather narrow road so before I knew it, a motorbike was eating into my lane and heading straight towards me at perhaps 60km/h...


I'm not sure how far or how high the dude flew. All I knew was that once I got out of the car, he was a good 100 metres away from my car. Alive. With only a few scratches.

Can't say the same about my car. The front part was totally smashed. Sigh.

Interesting to point out was that though the fault was far from mine, it took only 2 minutes before people from neighbouring stalls and shops came running out and pointing accusatory fingers at me. Needless to say in which favour the racial balance was tipped but far be it for me to harp on an issue as sensitive as that.... (though I reckon my point has already been made ... loud and clear).

How in the whole wide world was it my fault when I was merrily heading out onto the correct lane when someone came rushing straight into mine ?

How was it my fault when remnants and glass pieces from the accident were all on MY (left) side of the road?

Oh wait .... perhaps they thought that just for that stretch of road, people drive on the RIGHT side of the road, so I was driving on the wrong side of the road and hit that motorcyclist.

Thankfully my 2 housemates joined me soon afterwards and I couldn't describe how much relief their mere presence provided me.

We headed to the police station after that and did what had to be done .... despite the sheer gloom the accident cast upon me that night, I was given a reason to cheer up.

For I was to catch a 10pm bus back to KL that night, and having finished up at the police station, I arrived at the bus station at 10.05pm only to find no buses there at all. I thought that was it. Goodbye KL

But then I discovered something ..... why were there so many people hanging around? Turns out the buses hadn't arrived yet. That night I was plunged both into distress and happiness at the same time ....

It's been a week now and I've just handed my car to the mechanic. I've since realized that in the heat of things, we take the most convenient path in accepting a situation... through denial. Where problems crop up, we immediately swing around and point fingers, seeking solace in the fleeting and misleading comfort that someone else will take the blame. Where solutions seem scarce, we are quick to judge those offered by others yet make little attempt at solutions ourselves.

Deep inside I've made peace with the person whom I collided with that night, though I probably will never see him again. I've learnt to accept that no one was to blame that night, that if an accident has to happen, it will happen. Nevermind those people who were judging us that night. No issue with the amount of bucks we'd both have to fork out to repair our damaged vehicles.

I'm just thankful that the both of us came away with our lives and good health that night. And for that I continue to be thankful ......

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Peanut what ?

Just remembered this little incident that happened not too long ago ...

Was with my housemates chilling at a stall here in KT (the most happening stall cause it's the only one that opens until 1am =P)

So my housemate ordered like .... french toast. He then asked the dude....

'Could i have peanut butter with that?'

.. The dude gave us such a blank stare, you'd think we just spoke Japanese or something...

Kanasai man.

So he tried again ... 'Boleh tak bagi peanut butter?'

It took the dude a whole minute before he spoke again ....

...'Takdelar, tapi kita ada .... aper tu ...... mentega..... mentega kacang' .....

Friday, December 14, 2007

Hindraf in KT ? .... Maybe Not

Been wondering if it'd be possible to have like a Hindraf Rally of some sort over here in KT ....

Of course it'd be possible .....

All we'd have to do is gather up all the Indian people here in KT...

I'm pretty sure they'll all turn up ....

....... All 7 of them .......


Sunday, December 9, 2007

Farmasi Ghairah

Flipping through the TV channels nowadays has me thinking ..... they have a tv drama for just about every kanasai thing in the world today ....

  • There's Grey's Anatomy - surgeons who sleep around so much, I wonder why they bother wearing clothes at all

  • The Practise - lawyers and more lawyers

  • CSI : Miami, CSI : Special Unit (or something liddat), CSI this, CSI that - all about forensics experts who always end up catching the baddies

  • Prison Break - breaking out of prison was never so glamorous

  • Who wants to be this, who wants to be that, cripes I even actually sat down to an episode of 'Who wants to be a superhero'.... no, I wasn't mixing my medications.
Then there's House, Nip/Tuck, and loads of other medical related dramas ...

Which brings me to my point. Why hasn't anyone made a drama about pharmacists yet ?

We could give it a local touch and make it in BM. And we could call it .......

"Keghairahan Pegawai-pegawai Farmasi Sektor Kerajaan"

Sex is a taboo in this country ..... so no sex. We could film the normal daily lives of pharmacists who come to work everyday, mingle 'secara sihat' with their 'rakan sekerja' then pack up their bags and go home to their families....

Politics and other negative things are a big no as well. So no such thing as backstabbing and 'penindasan' to get that promotion in the hospital because it will 'mencemari profession farmasi Malaysia di mata dunia'. We are 'masyarakat penyayang' so we love each other, we love our patients, we love our patients' grandparents and also the warts on their asses.

We have like .... the 5 S thingy being implemented now .... (or is it 5 C ?) Nonetheless, that could make for an interesting episode. Why not have a pharmacist explain each and every R.... I mean S, stretch it as long as 10 minutes per S, then when it's all explained, pretend that we remember what the 5 P ..... I mean 5 S mean and pretend that we practise it every day. Entertainment for the whole family.

Oh ... the tea breaks. How about an episode called ... 'Pegawai yang enggan pergi minum'

...... where he was shunned by his fellow colleagues for being plain weird ....

And we all know just how interesting our jobs get at times. Take the store for example, man it doesn't get more interesting than that. I mean, which part of inventory checking, store management, stock balancing and record keeping doesn't sound interesting to you?

.... yup we all love it ..... like we love having a hole in our heads ....

The audience will love it too..... they'll love it when the episode ends .....

...... No doubt the show will not last beyond the pilot episode .......

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


KT will never cease to amaze me lar I tell you kanasai ....

Why only the other day when I dropped by McD while waiting for my bus back to KL (the bus stop is strategically placed right next to McD), I came across this big poster .....

Wah delivery man, there's such thing in KT ....... 24 hours no less. Don't believeler, must take a closer look first .....

Still cannot see wor, mah go damn close lor ..... Then ar ......

Wah lau eh kanasai lu and your grandfather ...... Liddat also can wan ar !?!?

Hang on leh, that's not the best part yet.We went up to the counter and asked the clueless lady at the counter .....

....... "Takdelah ... Kita tak buka 24 jam .... Pukul 8 pagi sampai 11 malam saje" ..........

Son of a kanasai ........