Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Holy cow can wan ar ?

So I moseyed my way to my housemate's room after dinner today. That's what we normally do here in KT. We visit each other in our house. Quite often actually.

Anyway he taught me what was probably the most valuable thing in a blogger's book....

He taught me how to embed a YouTube video~!

Holy of the holiest of Kanasai ~! I didn't know that was possible.

Here I really must apologise for the previous postings where I tackily put links to videos that would appear in a new window and slow down your internet connection.

Now I can actually make you slow down your internet connection without you having to open a new window~! Woohoo~!

So if you're like .... free or something, maybe you can check back my previous postings with all the music youtube links and perhaps listen to those songs for real. *ahem* ....

....that's if you're freelar ... but if not free also, can check mar.....

No? Erhmmm ...... pretty please?

Anyway how's this if you're really bored like me .... To spice up your blog reading experience try these things :

  1. Try click on the play button on 2 or 3 or even more songs at once. You'll get like a hybrid of songs or something ....
  2. Try clicking on ALL the songs at once ..... promises to disconnect your internet connection or bring it to a halt .... or even quite possibly crash your computer. Damages you in more ways than one but what the heck.

Weeee ...... fun for you and for me and for your auntie~!

KL ..... I'm coming back to you real soon this weekend ..... I promise I'll behave


Charis said...


*stiffle chuckles*


naybor.. sorry wei can't meet up for the breakfast ritual. the next one i won't miss, else my blood for sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

Haha ... no worriesler naybora. There's always another time. Next timelar. Cheers