Sunday, October 7, 2007

Burgers in a faraway place

Okay so take a look at this.

Nolah I'm not asking you to look at the Mercedeslah .... kanasai.

Yes it's McD. In KT~! Yup it's opening soon.

Would you believe me if I told you there has never been a McD in KT before this?

I do believe in time to come, history in KT will be divided into 2 eras ....The time BEFORE there was McD.... and the time AFTER it opened ......

I'm glad I'll be there to witness this historic transition

1 comment:

Charis said...

haha.. at least you have one in your town. i have to travel about 20km for one bugger ... i mean burger.

keep writing wei.. i'll be reading.

another reason why you started this blog is i guess other than to stay sane n to shout profanity at the employer, is that you have damn a lot of free PAID time. ISH!!!
here i am slaughing like a cow trying to please 200+ patients a day who are ungrateful *&^$##$%##@%

*ahem* have a good day.